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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Rejected by his parents (sent away to Military School) I wonder how that made him feel as a teen? Any of you ever been sent away?

Rejected by his parents (sent away to Military School) I wonder how that made him feel as a teen? Any of you ever been sent away?

Sent away to Boarding School or Finishing School or Military School? Besides getting rid of you what was the purpose? Did you enjoy it (was living at home an abomination and any escape was appreciated?) or hate it? Did you ever forgive your parents for rejecting you like that? Children going off to college by their own choice of their own volition is one thing. Young children being shipped to elsewhere having no choice or say in the matter is a different ball of wax. I can't imagine ever doing that no matter how rich I was. Could you imagine yourself or have you and were you?

Posted - June 18, 2018
