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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Some folks keep returning to a well that makes them sick and keep drinking from it. Why don't they drink from a well that doesn't?

Some folks keep returning to a well that makes them sick and keep drinking from it. Why don't they drink from a well that doesn't?

Posted - June 18, 2018


  • 7280
    Fear, habit, and low self esteem.

      June 18, 2018 11:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh. Dam*!  I don't think you can control fear and habits are hard to break and self-esteem either is there or isn't. In other words, it's hopeless! :( Thank you for your reply tom! :)
      June 20, 2018 6:52 AM MDT

  • 7280
    The "courage to change" trumps those other factors.
      June 20, 2018 4:16 PM MDT

  • 113301
     Courage may come easily to some but for others? Ya gotta have "the right stuff" to be courageous. I guess courage in the face of fear is the only courage worth celebrating. If you are fearless what have you had to overcome? I think you have to have a clear sense of whom you are and what matters to you. I don't have a clue what matters to da prez or his supporters. I don't. Everything that matters to me doesn't seem to matter to them. Can you go through life having nothing that matters to you? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply tom.
      June 21, 2018 6:43 AM MDT