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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » In the countries KING RAT admires the government controls all media. That is his goal folks. How many can hardly wait?

In the countries KING RAT admires the government controls all media. That is his goal folks. How many can hardly wait?

All TV, Radio, Print media will reflect the KING RAT view. He will crush any subversive group that tries to get the truth out. Books that kiss his a** will be published. Everything else won't. Anyone who dares speak out against him faces certain DEATH or mysteriously disappearing and kept in dungeons with bread and water until they die. Depending on his mood of course. Everything depends upon King Rat's mood. A certain future his adoring base will embrace. SIGH. One could ask why but what's the point? They obviously WANT that and they got it. Goody goody gumdrops! :(

Posted - June 20, 2018


  • A free media is fine in THEORY. I favor such as the founders envisioned it. Sadly, ideals and realities are far apart. The media has created distrust by their own reckless and unreliable behavior. Let them reap what they've sown. Whether media is forced into one opinion or whether they adopt one opinion voluntarily, (as now), you still have biased, agenda based coverage. My question is, what's YOUR point? 
      June 20, 2018 4:30 AM MDT