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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You hide what you're doing wrong with lies and lack of access. You share what you're doing right and invite folks to see it. True?

You hide what you're doing wrong with lies and lack of access. You share what you're doing right and invite folks to see it. True?

Outsiders are not allowed to take pictures of the prisons in which children are being held. Outsiders are not allowed to go into any prison filled with children they ask to visit. It is only two of the prisons to which limited access has been allowed. We have NEVER seen inside the prison(s) where babies/infants/girls are being kept locked up. What terrible disgusting evil things are being done to them behind closed doors that the guards  DARE NOT let us see?

Posted - June 20, 2018


  • 35081
    No,.....people (politicians and media) have been allowed in. But no cameras. 
      June 20, 2018 7:43 AM MDT