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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We KNOW all American citizens are NOT alike. Only the purest WHITE are valued by the base. Citizens who aren't white are not of value. WHY?

We KNOW all American citizens are NOT alike. Only the purest WHITE are valued by the base. Citizens who aren't white are not of value. WHY?

Y' all know DAM* WELL WHY! Immigration has zero to do with racism and hatred. Close all the borders. Never allow anyone in again. Guess what? Racism will continue on and on and on and on. Immigration isn't causing any of it. It is inimal in some people and it doesn't matter what you've done or whom you are unless you are THE RIGHT COLOR you will always be "less than"! These folks HATED that a black man was president. HATED it.

Posted - June 21, 2018
