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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The LIBERTARIAN Cato Institute created a chart that shows side-by-side comparisons of crimes committed. Didja see it?

The LIBERTARIAN Cato Institute created a chart that shows side-by-side comparisons of crimes committed. Didja see it?

Native-born American citizens commit the most crimes. Undocumented immigrants commit the next most. Legal immigrants commit the least. IN ADDITION TO WHICH states with larger shares of undocumented immigrants tended to have LOWER crime rates than states with smaller shares. This is also confirmed by the Washington Post. So it's convenient and handy as he** to blame the people you despise/fear for things they didn't do to justify your point of view. Truth is a casualty in all of this. It didn't used to be. Times have changed.

Posted - June 23, 2018
