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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Extreme right-wing judges. Da prez is larding the justice system with them. A "sure thing" "stacked deck" "given". Where's the JUSTICE?

Extreme right-wing judges. Da prez is larding the justice system with them. A "sure thing" "stacked deck" "given". Where's the JUSTICE?

Extreme right-wing Conservatives adore adore adore adore and want more more more more more. No surprises. Something they can take to the bank and it won't bounce. They don't want justice to be done. They want their extreme right-wing views to be executed and depended upon.  Da prez panders to them and gives them just what they want. Judges whose minds are always already made up IN ADVANCE about how they will decide. In line with DA PREZ who gave them a job. They are BEHOLDEN to him not justice. Of course they want to keep their jobs so whatever they REALLY think matters not. WWKDD?  What would King Don do? He'd judge and execute everything all alone on his own if he could but he is not (YET) allowed to do that. Second best thing is hire folks who will do his bidding without questioning.  :(

Posted - June 24, 2018
