Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» ELITE."The choice or best of anything. Persons of the highest class." A thug who thinks he is "elite" needs a dictionary doesn't he?
There is a vast difference between elite and being an elitist.
Trump is an elitist. He separates everything into what he thinks is high class or not worthy.
The trouble is he does not have a passing acquaintance to what it means to be elite.
To be elite is to be extrordinary in enough capacities to consider you a rare jewel. Need I say more? Is Trump a rare jewel? He is a common, boorish absolute pig with zero class.
He is not rare at all. He has millions of followers who think he knows what they need to think and do to be as cheesy and classless as he is.
Thank you for your reply Sharon. He constantly WHINES about not having his a** kissed sufficient..not being appreciate sufficiently...not being sucked up to sufficient..not being adored sufficient...not being admired sufficient...not being liked sufficient...not being enamored of sufficient. He is very deficient in everything that is worth anything. A pitiful tiny runt of the litter. He will never be anything more than that. Thank you for your reply Sharon.