You ARE whom you support. You aren't what you support if what you support is ice cream of course. But it is illogical to believe that you would support anyone who isn't like you or whom you would like to be. We know whom you are by whom you support. Period. So it is not a wild leap to observe that everyone who supports King don is exactly like him and enjoys what he does and says and if they could they would do and say precisely what he does. His fans are legion. You are known by those with whom you spend joyful time. You are known by what you support. You are known by what you attack. It is your thumbprint/blueprint/xray. How comfy does it make YOU feel that all those who support King don believe that everything he does/says is PURE GOLD? Let's see I think it was about 62 million of y'all voted for him. That many mini-dons running around the country extolling his virtues (of which according to them there are too many to list). Millions of you out there going to rallies and enjoying his speeches and worshipping the very ground on which he walks. All his talks. All his tweets. All his everythings. May you continue to all be together in whatever endeavor futurely. What will be will be. Doris Day said so decades ago and she was right. SIGH. :(