Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "When they go low we go high". Sounds nice. Impossible to do. When they go low they hit below the belt. They win. They always win. Right?

"When they go low we go high". Sounds nice. Impossible to do. When they go low they hit below the belt. They win. They always win. Right?

When you fight dirty you have the advantage over those who don't. Everyone knows that. Pretending otherwise is plain stupid dumb ignorant and a big fat baldfaced LIE. Hit first. Hit hard. Hit below the below. Get 'em where it hurts the worst. Bring them to their knees. Then come in with the coup de grace and take them out. And so it goes. :( Ho Hum. Another ordinary day in America just exactly like the day before and today and what tomorrow will be. Nothing changes because the people who live down low and go down lower are rock solid marble. Built of cold hard stone. Nothing gets through to them.

Posted - June 26, 2018


  • 6098
    Of course not. If we choose to live by the gutter or the gang we limit our choices and there is a good chance we will die by them as well.  If all we think of is fighting and hitting and hurting and winning we are limiting ourselves and clearly do not have much resourcefulness or inventiveness or imagination.  Some of us choose to just step around all that stuff and go our own way and do well for ourselves. 
      June 26, 2018 8:13 AM MDT