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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » CRIMINAL charges are filed against you. You DEMAND to see all of the evidence. SAY WHAT?

CRIMINAL charges are filed against you. You DEMAND to see all of the evidence. SAY WHAT?

Dowdy Gowdy and all the other extremely terrified Republican lapdogs are DEMANDING that the Justice Department turn over ALL THE EVIDENCE to them to peruse and undoubtedly give to the Criminal being charged...don juan. This is absurd! It is irrational/unreasonable/reprehensible/horrifying. Why doesn't Justice just say "NO you can't have it. Don't be such a scairdy cat. YOU CAN"T GET ACCESS TO THAT! GO SUCK AN EGG!" What lunatic wackadoodles would even ASK for such things?

Aren't these elected dingbat wackadoodles familiar with how things are SUPPOSED TO GO? Are they really that stupidly dumb and ignorantly arrogantly emptyheaded mushbrains to think anything goes just because don juan IS THE CRIMINAL?

Do Y'ALL who voted for and adore don juan really think giving him all the evidence in advance of being charged is rational? I know you support anything he wants but the complete upending of our court system too? Even that isn't awful to you and will do for you because it's HIM? Seriously?

Posted - June 30, 2018
