Kennedy didn't see it coming. He bought it! He IS a moderate about some things and not STRAIGHT EXTREME RIGHT-WING CON(servative) as are the other 4. He was called the "swing" vote which he apparently didn't like but he did come down on the side of the Liberals from time to time. Don will see to it that any of his appointees never do that. Don will see to it that the most extreme right-wing racist bigots ONLY will be Supremes. How will he know ? "By their records they are known". They all wil be PRO WHITE (their supreme delight) and anti- everyone else. They will all be PRO LIFE so much so that they will immediately overturn Roe vs Wade. Then they will try to take away women's right to vote. Republicans don't have much use for women intellectually you see so why should they be given a voice?