Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Since when does "confronting" someone verbally and calling him/her to account for actions/words constitute HARM? Isn't silence more harmful?
The right to free speech doesn't include what the courts currently call "fighting words" or words that "incite" or foment disruptive behavior. I've personally seen a number of cases in which people claimed "self defense" after inciting a problem with the use of "fighting words". Courts usually go against such claims of self defense. So, it all falls back on how free speech is applied as to whether "harm" occurs. Also, people have the right to something known as "quiet enjoyment" of their surroundings. Before someone "confronts", it might be best to first count the cost.
Would drive me crazy to have people trying to confront me and call me to account. . When all I want to do is just live my life and try to do some good in this world.