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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Fly in the ointment? What happens if "DENUCLEARIZATION" doesn't mean the same thing to North Korea as it does to the US?

Fly in the ointment? What happens if "DENUCLEARIZATION" doesn't mean the same thing to North Korea as it does to the US?

Both parties can be superficially "in agreement" but actually not in agreement at all. Who is responsible for making sure they are on the same page? And whether or not both parties can be trusted to follow through with what they say they will do and actually DO IT?

Posted - July 7, 2018


  • 19937
    This is not a question of "IF" but a matter that the term "denuclearization" does NOT mean the same to the US and NK.  That should be clear by NK's comment that the talks with Pompeo did not go well.  Did anyone really think that NK would give up the only leverage it has - it's nuclear program?
      July 7, 2018 1:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche sweetie. Well of course I did not for a moment believe it would be so slam-dunk simple as King don insisted it was. ON THE  OTHER HAND I did not see such a public denunciation coming so quickly and so conclusively emphatically from North Korea as happened yesterday! And Pompeo's report of the meeting was that all went well so he is a liar too, sadly. Now what coach? Punt? Try a Hail Mary pass? King don is currently playing golf at one of his palatial retreats. He cares not one whit about North Korea at the moment. When he puts on his big boy pants back at the White House will he acknowledge the humiliation or ignore it? If he acknowledges it will it be the  predictable "FAKE NEWS" assertion and blame the media for erroneous reports? Is he better off ignoring it completely? I think he is already bored as he** with Kim and North Korea and is getting really excited about his summit with Vlad. Remember when you were a sweet young thing (not that you still aren't) and had a date with a really cool guy that you really really liked? How excited you were and how much you anticipated the date? I think that's where King don is right now. Besotted with Vlad. Vlad is all he can think about. I wonder what the outcome will be? On another thread I said "I pledge allegiance to the Unted States of Russia".  I think King don would be honored to have the US be a Russian satellite. SIGH. I put nothing past him. I have no faith in him. I dread whatever is gonna happen. In advance. I'm practicing as we speak. Thank you for your reply L! :) ((hugs)) Gotta get those hugs in while we still can.  :(
      July 8, 2018 3:25 AM MDT

  • 19937
    He's either going to downplay it completely or he's going to say that's what he thought all along and said it might not work.  He has several other issues on which he can focus to deflect from NK - The NATO summit, nominating a Supreme Court Justice, the meeting with Putin come to mind.  
      July 8, 2018 10:07 AM MDT