Not only has he REFUSED to do anything to protect the sanctity of our elections he insists it is all a witchhunt and never happened. In the face of truth he doubles down and lies some more. At stake is America and apparently he doesn't mind gambling it away. Any other normal patriotic president would have been right on it from DAY ONE instructing the Justice Department to combat it and DEMANDING of Putin to stop it and placing HUGE sanctions on Russia to squeeze them. Any other normal patriotic president. What we are stuck with is an abnormal unpatriotic putin-loving puppetman who doesn't care that he is letting America go down the tubes. All he cares about is servicing putin and he sure is a great servicer. Putin is well-pleased with this particular useful idiot. Who wouldn't be in his place? He couldn't ask for more. He will of course ask for the moon and also of course trump will hop to it and do it. SIGH.