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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » When the final shoe drops and American citizens are indicted for colluding/conspiring with Russians how will y'all feel about them?

When the final shoe drops and American citizens are indicted for colluding/conspiring with Russians how will y'all feel about them?

When/if they are named and they all combined to "fix" the election so that the nbb would be elected. Election tampering. Cheating.  Conspiring with a hostile foreign power to harm an American citizen to insure the election of another American citizen. Kinda makes you feel dirty doesn't it? Shouldn't it?

The nappie  baby blimp is not denying it now he is blaming Obama for all of it. Next he will blame Hillary then the Dems then everyone who despises him. It will be everyone's fault and he will be the innocent "victim" who became president because of all the shenanigans and dirty tricks and lies. Two-edged sword I expect. SIGH. Will he still be a yuppy guppy all sucky uppy with Vlad? Will he ever stop adoring the enemy and do something to defend his country? Inquiring minds would like to know what his intention is.

Posted - July 14, 2018


  • 35077
    Yet no charges and Rosenstein said  No American involved in these criminal indictments.
      July 14, 2018 9:46 AM MDT