Comrade trump brought the NFL to its knees. The Comrade was very specific about the importance of showing patriotism by holding your hand over your heart and STANDING while the national anthem was played. Calling those who took a knee "sons of bit**es" who should be fired? Looking back on it don't you find it terribly amusing how duplicitous Comrade trump was, is and always will be? He demands standing for the playing of the national anthem to show our reverence and patriotism for our country. Yet he sells the country out to Russia defending it and its barbaric leader while attacking reviling defiling demeaning his own country and its people. Here's the kicker. His base will not abandon him. The very same ones who so self-righteously backed up his view of knee-takers don't mind that he commits treason and is a traitor. Now I would say their values are "flexible" wouldn't you? Will they still support him and adore him when he bombs the blue states to get rid of those American citizens who didn't vote for the Comrade because they DESPISE him? "We'll see what happens".