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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Back to Square One. When Comrade Bonespur was asked "Is Russia still meddling" Bonespur said "NO". D'ya think so?

Back to Square One. When Comrade Bonespur was asked "Is Russia still meddling" Bonespur said "NO". D'ya think so?

Once again in DIRECT OPPOSITION to what his Intelligence Community has been telling him he goes opposite pretzelized inside out and is back to LYING BIGLY. Meanwhile the world is watching and LAUGHING at him. He thinks he is admired in Russia? How do you admire a fool, a puppet, a useful idiot?. His staff went to all the trouble to try to "FIX" him and he refuses to be fixed. He reverts to type. You can't paint zebra stripes on a jacka** and be shocked when they wash off.  The more Comrade Bonespur talks the more it appears that  senility is now directing him in all things and EVERYONE BUT HIS BASE AND THE TOADY CONGRESS is certain Comrade Bonespur off his rocker!

Posted - July 18, 2018
