Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » This is becoming WAY INTRIGUIGING! Mueller seeks immunity (under seal) for 5 Manafort witnesses. Wonder what that's all about?

This is becoming WAY INTRIGUIGING! Mueller seeks immunity (under seal) for 5 Manafort witnesses. Wonder what that's all about?

Wonder how involved Comrade Bonespur may be in that mess?  All the "Human" satellites surrounding him are very dodgy weird queer odd bizarre crooked bent pretzelized. He sure knows how to pick him doesn't he? He promised us the best people and I bet that was the best he could get since you couldn't pay the BEST people to work for him enough money to  humiliate themselves like that. So his best is at best far less than mediocre at best. At worst? Wait and see. ::)

Posted - July 18, 2018


  • 46117
    Rosie, I am so turned on right now.  Thank you for this.

      July 18, 2018 7:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Every day this tragicomedy gets worse and worse and worse Sharon. Comrade Bonespur is out to do the most DAMAGE he can to Americans and America per the request of his great love Putin. Now we all know for sure that Putin is extorting him and blackmailing him because of something so horrendous Bonespur will sell his family into bondage forever to perform for Putin opbediently and quickly. One day hopefully that something will be revealed and the humiliation and agony Bonespur faces will finally shut him up and make him go away. Until that day he will continue being a traitor who commits treason out in the open because he can always count on his base to kiss his corpulent a**. Of course they are in the minority but they are all he has. The rest of us (60%) despise him and always will. In the meanwhile however he is destroying America to the rabid frenetic joyful cheers of his base. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. The McFaul thing is terribly worrisome though. :( This post was edited by RosieG at July 19, 2018 3:04 AM MDT
      July 19, 2018 3:02 AM MDT