Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » RUSSIAN SPY Maria Butina is a flight risk. There are curious* ways she can escape our clutches and we're cutting them off. Stay tuned?

RUSSIAN SPY Maria Butina is a flight risk. There are curious* ways she can escape our clutches and we're cutting them off. Stay tuned?

Of course she can flee to a Russian Embassy and get sanctuary. But did you also know if she is inside a car no one can stop the car or search it? She has immunity inside the car so that is why she is under lock and key and being watched like a hawk. The Russians will try anything and everything to extract her including killing people. She is a potential goldmine of worthwhile information. So hopefully our guys can keep the bad guys from taking her. What a mess Comrade Bonespur has created on every level you can imagine and more. Full speed ahead. What's next?

Posted - July 19, 2018
