Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » ENEMIES LIST. REVENGE. RETALIATION. RETRIBUTION. TGITWH is currently working on it, considering it. Are ya pro/con?

ENEMIES LIST. REVENGE. RETALIATION. RETRIBUTION. TGITWH is currently working on it, considering it. Are ya pro/con?

Here is WHAT TGITWH is "considering"    Strip former Intelligence Agency heads of their Security Clearances
Here is WHY TGITWH is "considering" it    They all spoke negatively about him
Here is WHO TGITWH is "considering"   

Former CIA Director John Brennan
Former FBI Director James Comey
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice
Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe
Former National Security Agency Director Michael Hayden
Former Director of the National Intelligence Agency James Clapper

That is the list as of now. HOWEVER it will undoubtedly grow to include Dan Coates, John Kelly and all those who ever were quoted as saying anything negative about TGITWH. 

The reason is that he demands LOYALTY and when he feels he isn't getting it of course it infuriates enrages him and sends him over the edge. So he doubles down and keeps at it until he crushes the person. TGITWH does not stand for anyone talking truth to  power. He is the power and everyone must obey. You can THINK whatever you wish. You just must NOT SPEAK if you want to survive.

Posted - July 24, 2018
