This book helped define the meaning of how I see life. This is how all the wise view existence. Not that I am all that wise. I don't live in the NOW minute by minute. But I know that to live in the now is the only thing between me and some horrific nervous breakdown that I see manifested in most of my neighbors and most of the humans on the planet.
There is no past. There is no future. The past is gone and the future is not in existence.
There is only this moment.
There is only ever this moment.
Listen and relax. IT is the only lesson we ever need.
I have heard of it. Thank you for your reply Sharon and Happy Wednesday. I live very much in the moment every moment. I take occasional strolls to the used to be and what I hope will be but mostly since I know all I have for sure is this now this minute this instant and I don't even know how long that will be I must needs be present in the present. Mostly.