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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Progeny need not be from coupling. It can be done singlehandedly. How? By having folks become minihims. Copycatting. Mimicking. Neat?

Progeny need not be from coupling. It can be done singlehandedly. How? By having folks become minihims. Copycatting. Mimicking. Neat?

It seems earlier an endorsement by TGITWH was poison. A sure-fire path to defeat. Lately? Well it seems that worm has turned and now in order to win ya gotta have have his support. So isn't that swell? Any Republican will cleave unto him and sing h is praises and  VOILA be elected. Simple as that. TGITWH is magical. SIGH.

Posted - July 25, 2018
