Why TGITWH is floating that lie I can't figure out a why. He is ludicrous. It is ludicrous. Putin HATES Democrats. Putin said I DO I DO to questions asking if he wanted TGITWH to win and whether he had people help him do so. So TGITWH is calling Putin a liar and I'm wondering what good he thinks that will achieve? The only folks who believe him are his base. He isn't gaining any traction by floating such gibberish. Everyone KNOWS it isn't true with the possible exception of his base. I don't know why he feels a need to keep reeling them in. They aren't going anywhere. They are very happy where they are. So what's going on here? Anyone have a clue ? Why is a man who has already won so insecure that he can't quite believe it so he keep trying everything and anything to keep the absurd rhetoric going. Weird.