Eagle Eyes they be always looking for words that offend them. Always ready to write/right/rite wrongs as they see them. Why they believe they are the arbiters of that I cannot fathom. But they have taken on the mantle of "protecting" people from everything that goes against THEIR ideas. Gotta be that way. They are dressed in red, white and blue of course and see themselves as VERY PATRIOTIC! Upholding the values and traditions and rules and regulations and laws and protocols and precedents of the United States of America. Oh. Wait. No. They do the exact opposite. They justify defend upending all of those things every day in every way with every breath they take, every move they make. Aren't they just the swellest things ya ever saw? So cute and all? Saluting the flag and singing the Anthem as they go about their duties to preserve protect...no... wait ---destroy attack. SIGH. Aren't we lucky to have 'em?