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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Alice in Wonderland". A charming fantasy by Lewis Carroll. Are you aware of the backstory?

"Alice in Wonderland". A charming fantasy by Lewis Carroll. Are you aware of the backstory?

Carroll formed friendships with children and really had none with adults

Alice was one of 3 sisters (Lorina and Edith the other two), children of Henry George Liddell, Dean of Christ Church at Oxford.

Carroll took photos of nude and semi-nude children including a full frontal of Alice's sister Lorina

He said "I confess I do not admire naked boys in pictures. They always seem to me to need clothes whereas one hardly ever sees why the lovely forms of girls should ever be covered up."

He once wrote a 10-year-old girl "Extra thanks and kisses for the lock of hair. I have kissed it several times for want of having you to kiss you know, even hair is better than nothing".

Perhaps you already knew this. I did not. It does make one wonder though what other backstories there are of what other writers. Better not to know?

Posted - July 28, 2018
