If Martians pose a nuclear threat, if they are proponents of intergalactic terrorism, if we have a trade imbalance with them, then by all means meet with them. It couldn't be any more bizarre than meeting with the North Koreans.
I may be reaching but do I note a hint of possible meeting of the minds in this response? I don 't want to presume anything. Let me just thank you for your reply. Now on to something else. Quantum Physics. Parallel universes. Multiple dimensions. What is your position on those? They are not political. Perhaps in another dimension or in a parallel universe Martians exist. In fact we are limited by our ability to perceive only 3 dimensions. At least on this planet in this lifetime. If the world is 10-dimensional or has 26 dimensions see how easy it would be to be surrounded by answers to every question we've ever had and have no access to them? Are you open to such possibilities? In the May 2003 Issue of SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN the cover states "Infinite Earths in Parallel Universes Really Exist". The article starts on page 41 and ends on page 51 and speaks of MULTIVERSES of which there are 4 mentioned. If the subject bores you we need never mention it again. If it doesn't then perhaps we have something we can talk about besides politics which is only ever one-dimensional and therefore very boring. Ball's in your court! :)