Yep, that we are. Nice, huh? Just 2 years ago we weren't completely liked by the world, but we weren't 100% hated. Now we can hardly find a person (let alone a whole country) that "likes" us. Trump's isolating the nation by pissing off the rest of the world. He has that prideful attitude of "were the most powerful nation so everyone else must bow down to us". Unfortunately, that same attitude is widespread in the US. And that kind of boastful pride can be the death of a nation. 75 years ago we were a heapful nation (to the rest of the world). No, not everyone liked us, but we helped them nonetheless. Since then we have become a self-serving nation. Not so much interested in helping others than forcing our lifestyle on them. Now up pops a person who embodies that persona, and many are appalled (although some are content with it). "America first" (bow down to our mighty power). "We'll unleash such fury as has never been seen". Mighty words from a coward. Lofty words from a man who continually throws his own country under the bus in front of other countries (N. Korea, Russia.. and coming soon - Iran). Rogue nation indeed.
Perhaps we need to be taken down a few notches. Get ourselves back to that nation we once were. The boot licker we have now wont get us there. He will only serve to bring us down further, until finally, the country is no more.
Thank you for a thoughtful analysis of where we are and why we're here. Any suggestions of how to get rid of the despot dictator wannabe will be gratefully appreciated. Appalling. Nauseating. Disgusting. Shameful. Embarrassing. Humiliating. TGITWH got one thing right. The rest of the world is indeed laughing at us. Because of him. No other reason. And they will continue laughing at us uproariously while some of them simultaneously feel pity for us You can laugh at a situation while feeling empathy for those in it. I'm gonna ask. And the beat goes on. Dum de dum de dum dum dumb! :(