Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Why doesn't TGITWH use the $12 Billion farm relief and the newest contemplated $100 Billion Tax cut to build his dam* wall?

Why doesn't TGITWH use the $12 Billion farm relief and the newest contemplated $100 Billion Tax cut to build his dam* wall?

That should build a he**uva wall $112 Billion and all! It's YOUR MONEY. You can't have it all. Which do you want MOST....Wall, Welfare Farm Bailout, Another humongous tax cut for mostly the wealthy. I know it's a hard choice but that's why y'all get the big bucks. To make hard choices! SIGH.

Posted - July 31, 2018


  • 46117
    Because.  He needs the wall and the not building of it, to deflect from all the crimes he is being charged for.

    So, LOCK HER UP is only preceeded by BUILD THAT WALL at the rallies.  I mean what will the morons shout to desecrate the Democrats if they cannot accuse them of stopping the wall and letting all our enemies in.

    Our enemies are electronic and they are already here, morons.

      July 31, 2018 1:12 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I did not see that coming Sharon. It didn't even cross my mind. But YOU ARE RIGHT! It is in the demanding and threatening and screaming and shouting and NEVER GETTING that he stays powerful. If Hillary were ever locked up he would be bereft. If he ever got the dam* wall he'd be toast. Thank you for the astute observation and the nifty graphic! SIGH. It was supposed to be a high of 100 today. RIGHT NOW it is 106! I guess everyone lies all the time because they can, right?  :(
      July 31, 2018 2:26 PM MDT