The shots of the crowd at that rally were pretty unsettling intimidating scarifying. I wonder if those folks are the same ones who go to dog fights and bullfights and cock fights and bet on which will die and which will survive? Bullfights and boxing and wrestling too? Running with the Bulls? They looked VERY angry and defiant and hostile and ready for a rumble. Tough crowd. No scairdy cats there. All were VERY HOSTILE to the press. Now of course they are reacting precisely as TGITWH has programmed them to react so he must be happy as a clam at high tide. I didn't see any little old ladies there! They all looked to be in their mids. 30's, 40's, 50's. Energized and trumpetized and needing an outlet to vent their rage at.....what is it that pisses them off so much all the time again? Everything and everyone that isn't pro-TGITWH? Anyway they carried posters and wore branded Q /Qanon clothing and seemed so jubilant and happy to be there. Near their guy. With one another. Doing their thing. Why not a rally every night all the time somewhere in America? "Make someone happy. Make just someone happy". Well TGITWH makes tons of folks happy every time he rallies them. Why not just do that and forget doing/saying anything else? Just a thought.