Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Infamous conspiracy theorist CRACKPOT Alex Jones charged that Sandy Hook was a HOAX! Are you a conspiracy theorist crackpot too? A Q?
FAKE NEWS. He never said that. I saw the show, and he did NOT say that. He was charged with no links, videos or resouces to where he said that. FAKE NEWS is notorious for reporting on news without any evidence. Its called gossip and the liberal media has gone over board with it. GOOGLE has shadow banned conservatives and any source of information that doesnt fit the Left addenda, so its almost impossible a link to the show that he allegedly said that in. If you did find it, you would see he never said that, and he is filing suit against the people who said he did.
This post was edited by carbonproduct at August 2, 2018 8:51 AM MDT
I can't subject myself to another second of his voice. I did find an article that quoted his "final statement" (that no doubt came after he'd been advised to soften his position by his attorney).
“If children were lost in Sandy Hook, my heart goes out to each and every one of those parents, and the people that say they’re parentsthat I see on the news. The only problem is, I’ve watched a lot of soap operas, and I’ve seen actors before.”
Does he take back all the times he said that it was a hoax/fake/synthetic/manufactured?? Does he personally apologize for calling both the parents and minor siblings of the dead kids CRISIS ACTORS? No, he continues to imply that.
Can you even imagine what those families have endured? They have suffered the worst nightmare that any parent can fathom. And thanks to that bloated diet supplement salesman, they've been harassed and threatened by his maniacal worshipers.
He's a monster and I hope he gets every bit of karmic misery that he has coming his way.
The standard issue typical ordinary off-the-shelf programmed robotic automatic response is to call it FAKE NEWS. It is provable and yet...and yet... folks deny it. SIGH. We are surrounded by them SA. Scary. :(
I hope every single one of the many who are suing his disgusting a$$ take him for all he's worth.
I rarely wish ill on anyone, but this complete piece of trash deserves the worst that this and any other world has to offer. His complete lack of compassion or concern for the countless people he harms (intentionally!) with his vicious lies is inexcusable and unforgivable.
And you can see on this thread he has his defenders who call it fake news though it is absolutely PROVABLE. There are none so blind as the brainwashed. The worst part is that some of thos Sandy Hook families have been harassed and threatened. One family had to move SEVEN TIMES and now they are far away from the grave of their dead child. What kind of monsters would do/say such things? AS for me I say I want them to suffer in the exact same way they have caused suffering to others. There is no place among human beings for such monsntrous evil trash. A pox on all their houses and whatever curses that are available I wish on them. For eternity. I'm gonna ask SA and see if others feel as we do! Thank you for your reply. The Alex Jones' of the world as despicable disgusting monsters. Nothing redeemable.
It's like with Trump. They adore, admire and worship him regardless of what he says or does. I just can't wrap my head around that kind of devotion. It doesn't seem sane to me.
It isn't. There is a "condition" I read about this morning called DUNNING-KRUGER effect and I asked a question about it. It is cognitive bias that people with little expertise or ability suffer from which makes them believe they know more than others when in fact they don't enough to know they don't know enough. Or to put it another way. They're too dumb to know they're too dumb to know. I think it might well fit all of the supporters who think only TGITWH tells the truth and everyone else is a liar because he tells them that. They never question him at all ever. That is not normal . Thank you for your reply SA! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at August 9, 2018 6:49 AM MDT
Part of me rejoices that the above linked videos are no longer available. It is good that youtube, facebook, etc. have suspended the monster's accounts.
On the other hand, I fear that his deluded followers will somehow retaliate and perhaps dig their heels in deeper. Especially when they worship a man who calls the legitimate free press our country's biggest enemy. POTUS has publicly stated that Alex Jones has "an amazing reputation".
The adoring worshippers of TGITWH number 40% oe less of we the people. The MAJORITY of us despise him. So all we have to do is vote against anyone who represents him and for anyone who thinks he a menace/danger and commits treason daily. It's up to us. Now of course SA there is a caveat (isn't there always?) Russia selected TGITWH to be TGITWH and worked very hard and long and spent lotsa money meddling/hacking/faking/lying/spying/colluding/conspiring as they created millions of fake accounts on internet social sites to grab and hold the gullibly willing. There is nothing to prevent that from happening again which ensures the 40% will stick. The other 60% are vulnerable in many ways all of which are either illegal or unethical or criminal or all of the above. Governors can and have reduced voting hours, voting places and made the requirements to vote very difficult for some. I would not put it past them to election tamper vis a vis changing votes at the machine level. The Republicans are like a wild animal that is badly hurt. Always far more dangeroyus than an animal who isn't. I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday! :)