Nah...I am da dud.
No. You are one of about 3 people who could intelligently understand this great video and get it.
So, no dud on this page, buddy~~~~!!!!!!
I'm the bomb and I'm the shit. :)
I'm a failure bomb.
I'm not cool enough for "cool" nerds on
Oh, we're nerds and geeks. Oh, my. Look at our pretty-boy science geek. Oh we're so nerdy. How will I spend my $100,000+/year web developer salary? Oh, maybe on these ComicCon exclusive Star Wars bobble heads. YEAH!!!!!
Nevan you have grown up since we last spoke. LOL
Now Bromide, we know KNOW you have your finger on the pulse-point of all that is happening and trending. You are the king of cool
The hottest individuals are the ones who self-deprecate and act as if they don't care one way or the other. IT draws the crowd to them because that person is "UNUSUAL".
I know that one. It never EVER worked for me though. When I told people I was dumb and ugly, they had the nerve to believe me.
So, you are even cooler than I am. You made it work and people love you.
You are.
Busted and Da Bomb.
(substitute 21st Century and I won't be insulting you)
True...but look at my glows blue.