A stain on the country on the white house on him. Poor boy. He is a complete innocent being victimized by jealous people. What else could it be since he be pure of heart, perfect and god-like? Never a lie passeth his lips or an angry word or a mean emotion or hateful thought. He is by all accounts as perfect a human being as ever walked the earth and so are all those in his base. All angels. All good. All noble. All go through life with the grace of God upon their countenance.. And that is why all the wicked people are "out to get him"! His perfection is something they have never experienced before and as they are all EVIL they want to destroy him. But his base and GOD will protect him. He is far too good and noble and brave and trustworthy and kind and loving and fair to have anyone touch a hair on his head or anywhere else for that matter. The battle wages on.