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TGITWH says better gas milegage leads to more deaths . Tougher fuel standards makes driving riskier. Anyone know if true or faux? Why if so?

Posted - August 3, 2018


  • 6023
    I'm not sure if there's any actual research on it.
    However, I could make the case it's true on 2 grounds:

    1 - People drive more, when it doesn't cost as much.
    More driving = more accidents.

    2 - The easiest way to get better fuel efficiency is to lighten vehicles.
    Lighter vehicles generally fare worse in crashes than heavier ones.

    I'm hoping California (and other states) are able to convince Congress to allow them to maintain their "exemption" of requiring stricter regulations than the federal government.

    Seems strange to me, that in every other law the stricter one rules (EG: federal vs state minimum wage) ... but for environmental regulations, the federal one trumps state, even if the state regulation is stricter.
      August 3, 2018 7:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    As far as I know our Guv is ignoring him about fuel efficiency requirements as we are ignoring him  about EP standards AND ignoring him about being a Sanctuary state. TGITWH HATES blue state California and the feeling is mutual. Thank you for your reply Walt.
      August 3, 2018 8:06 AM MDT

  • 6023

    From what they were reporting on NPR yesterday ... California has to ask Congress to extend the exemption every year.
    So it's not up to the President whether or not CA can use higher standards, it's up to Congress.

    As I said ... it's odd, because "exemption" usually means the state has a LOWER standard. 
    But in this case, it means the state has a HIGHER standard.

    Personally, if *I* were in charge of a car manufacturing company, I'd stick with the original standards ... or better.
    I mean, if one President can "delay" the standards what's to stop the next President from "speeding up" them?

      August 3, 2018 8:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I can only speak to what I have experienced Walt. We moved to California in 1940 from Michigan. I was 3. I remember how bad the smog was for many years. Then whatever sparked it the EPA in California made some stricter standards to try to clean up the air. I think smog is something that can NEVER BE entirely wiped out but it can be mitigated. Same with vehicle on emission standards. We drive a lot in California. It's a big state and everything is far away from everything else. Lots of vehicles on the road all the time. Cleaning up the air by tightening regulations on car pollution seems logical to me. Now if you live in a state with a very small population cars aren't a problem. But California is a mobile state and almost everyone drives and millions of families have two or more cars so it seems very evil and stupid dumb to dumb down anything rather than smarten it up. In fact I'm gonna ask that question. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)
      August 4, 2018 2:33 AM MDT

  • 46117
    The moron thinks we need ID to go grocery shopping.  Who listens to a moron?

      August 3, 2018 8:21 AM MDT

  • 35077
    You do if using credit card (in my town anyway), if buying cigs or alcohol at the grocery store.
      August 3, 2018 10:36 AM MDT

  • 113301
    He lies all the time. Why anyone listens to him about anything is very weird. Yet his base has been instructed to ignore what they hear or see and just listen to what he says because he is their only source of truth. And they believe him. They believe that. They do that. Millions of them. Big Brother in the flesh .  Simultaneously we are told by "the government" to ignore what he says because they are just "statements" not orders. To say it's confusing is an understatement. Meanwhile the entire world is laughing at us because of him and his base.  They can't believe it. Well so can't we too. Thank you for your reply Sharon! :)
      August 4, 2018 2:36 AM MDT

  • 35077

    The main problem with the mandated fuel economy standards is that the least expensive way for automakers to comply is by making vehicles lighter.

    Replacing steel with aluminum and fiberglass is cheaper than re-engineering already highly fuel-efficient engines. In fact, that may be the only way to meet the latest rules, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

    Lighter cars and trucks are less crash-worthy than heavier ones. Stricter mileage standards therefore will lead to more injuries and deaths on the nation’s highways.

      August 3, 2018 10:27 AM MDT

  • 6023
    I got a solution.
    Mandate that employers have to provide housing within 1/4 mile of their business.
         (you could limit it to employers with over a set number of employees - like they do for the ACA and "sick leave" laws)
    Then mandate that everybody who lives within 1/2 mile of work, must either bike or walk to work.
         (this also helps the national obesity epidemic)

      August 3, 2018 10:52 AM MDT

  • 35077
    That is how China does it. Apartments provided by the factory who makes iphones etc. You hear about employees jumping out the windows to their deaths.

    We don't need that crap here. 
      August 3, 2018 12:52 PM MDT

  • 6023
    I see it quickly approaching ... especially if businesses refuse to raise the wages enough for families to afford housing.

    I was driving around town (pop 37000) the other day, and spotted a little (600 sq ft) house for sale.  
    I looked it up, and they are asking $189,000 for it.
    Considering that empty lots are asking $30000-$45000 ... that means they think a 600sq' house is worth $144000.  $240/sq' is Ridiculous!
    And yet, the mortgage on that would be about 1/2 of what they are asking to rent a studio apartment.

      August 3, 2018 1:22 PM MDT

  • 35077
    I don't know where are living but housing doesn't cost that were I live. 
    I bought a 5 bed 2 bath 3000sf home on 1 acre for $144,000 just 3 yrs ago. 
      August 3, 2018 1:27 PM MDT

  • 10798
    I about choked from laughter when I heard that.  What kind of moronic logic is that?

    Driving is made riskier by idiotic drivers!  No amount of gas mileage will fix that.  If anything this logic is backwards.

    But to be fair, let's follow this logic out...  (theoretically)

    - Cars that get less gas mileage would mean cheaper cars to purchase since manufacturers would automatically pass savings on to customers  (insert eye rolling here)
    - Cheaper cars means more people can afford to drive
    - More people driving raises gasoline prices (basic economics - supply and demand)
    - More drivers means more traffic
    - Increased traffic increases the odds that one will be in a wreck (fatal)

    - Cars that get less mileage don't have to be as lightweight (Fact: manufactures make things lighter or eliminate them to increase fuel efficiency)
    - Heavier cars will stand up better in a crash (e.g. Model T's, Ford Fairlanes)
    - With reduced standards manufacturers will naturally use heavier materials to build cars (e.g. steel vs fiberglass)
    - Heavier materials cost more (not even considering any tariffs) so manufacturers must raise their prices in order to keep their same profit margin.  (insert eye rolls here)
    - Higher prices means less cars sold.
    - less cars sold means less traffic
    - less traffic means less chance of being in a wreck (fatal)
    - less traffic means less fuel used
    - less fuel used means less profits for oil companies
    - less oil company profits means higher fuel prices (+tax) 
    - higher fuel prices means more angry customers
    - More angry customers demand more fuel efficient cars so as to stretch their fuel dollar further...

    Nowhere did any of this make drivers smarter (look, a  red light.  I wonder how fast I can go through it?  Just let me down another swig of this here beer first)
      August 3, 2018 1:25 PM MDT