Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» The authority to PARDON does not include the power to pardon impeachment. Can a prez pardon himself for high crimes/misdemeanors/treason?
There is no provision in the Constitution, nor is there currently any other legislation that permits a Presidential self-pardon. If there were, Nixon would have done it, and he wouldn’t have had to make the shameful deal with Gerald Ford.
TGITWH has ignored THE CONSTITUTION since day one DonB. You know that to be true as well as I do. He gets away with things that no other prez would dare try starting with ignoring the EMOLUMENTS CLAUSE on DAY one as soon as he was sworn in. Who is going to stop him? The scairdy toady Congress? Surely you jest! Until we get some legislators with spines who are focused on doing WHAT IS RIGHT regardless of political party we are stuck with that albatross. In the meantime he continues to do and say and undo and unsay and do and say and undo and unsay with such rapid fire that we the people are in a constant state of disorientation/confusion. Which is the point. SIGH. Will a BLUE WAVE/TSUNAMI come to our rescue in November? Why should it? The same deceit and foreign meddling and American citizen TRAITORS colluding/conspiring that put TGITWH in office is still happening. What is to prevent it from happening again? Nothing that's what. So fingers crossed, GOD willing and the crick don't rise maybe THIS TIME JUSTICE WILL BE DONE. "We'll see what happens". Thank you for your reply DonB! :)
I'f God's willing and the "crick" don't rise, this time justice will be done. You may be right, even if it's for the wrong reason. I trust God to be just and wise in ways that transcend man's foolishness and follies. That's a given. I suppose that's why even in these dangerous times, I stand on that truth and find peace. With that out of the way, I find some of your observations interesting. You somehow perceive that a "scairdy toady" Congress is unwilling to strike a blow of some sort, when in fact, impeachment is all we've heard from Congressional leftists since January of 2017. While you seem to have an abiding fear of conspiracy, collusion and treason, you fail to take into consideration that there are many forms of deceit. You might get your "blue wave" in November. I'd be surprised if it didn't materialize. With Liberal politicians fomenting strife, division, hatred, lies, half truths and promoting fear and hysteria even to the extent of calling for violence against the opposition and rebellion against lawful authority, it could be a viable course of action. I can only marvel at how the left disregards the rule of law(and reason) on one hand and then stands so smugly on it when they think it favors them. It's what used to be termed as "situational ethics". So, if the "crick" rises in November, we can only hope that the big red dam is strong enough to turn back the "blue wave". Who knows what the overriding issue will be in November. I remember when Democrats used to shout:"It's the economy stupid". With the economy healthy, maybe this year's call to battle will be "It's the Stupidity of it all". In which case, there'll be no blue wave for there will be no message or plan, nor common sense to base it on. Your blue wave will have to contain a little more substance and less seething hatred. At any rate, I'll leave the hand wringing to those who do it best.