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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Everyone knows what a randy guy TGITWH is. An old reprobate. What would his worshippers do if he took a mistress and flaunted her?

Everyone knows what a randy guy TGITWH is. An old reprobate. What would his worshippers do if he took a mistress and flaunted her?

His TV Lawyer RudyG did that years ago in New York. He was married to a gal named Donna Hanover and they had kids. He took a misrress, Judy Nathan (whom he later married and divorced) and f alunted her in public every chance he got. Took he into his home. He rubbed his wife's nose in it and humiliated her and laughed about it. He is an excellent template for TGITWH who undoubtedly wants revenge against his upstart wife who dares to disagree with him. He never lets any slight go and will retaliate. What better way than for him to take a mistress, bring her to the White House and parade her about? Give her a job and pay her hundreds of thousands of dollars?. Who is gonna stop him? Would his base object to that or would they find divine explanations and make Melania the "bad guy" and TGITWH the "good guy" and embrace his hoor as their own?  Think they'd forgive him that or might there be a few who were perturbed?

Posted - August 5, 2018
