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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The YEAR OF THE WOMAN politically speaking? The deep-seated previously contained anger is unleashed. #METOO started it. What ends it?

The YEAR OF THE WOMAN politically speaking? The deep-seated previously contained anger is unleashed. #METOO started it. What ends it?

Running for election to political office. In every state in GREATER NUMBERS THAN EVER BEFORE. It is not the anger of a woman scorned. It is the anger of a woman held back/attacked/ridiculed/abused. No longer. Will many of them win? I dunno. There are lots of misogynists out there and not only men. Women are misogynists too and resent the women who lead because they have always been taught to follow and obey men. Well gals sit back and watch what happens when women stop taking a back seat and move up front. Are you one of the ones running for political office or one of the ones who are badmouthing and attacking those who do?  It's up to you whatcha do. Or is it?

Posted - August 5, 2018
