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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ya gotta laugh folks! TGITWH refers to "crooked" Hillary when he is the one being targeted for multiple crimes. What Else?

Ya gotta laugh folks! TGITWH refers to "crooked" Hillary when he is the one being targeted for multiple crimes. What Else?

He refers to the media as dishonest when he is the biggest liar guy of all time that ever was or ever will be in the history of world. Everyone says so.

So what he is and what he says are not related at all. Isn't that funny as all get out? Don'tcha think he is full of it and chutzpah and nerve and conceit and bullsh** every time he points fingers to others who do so little compared to him who is always at the top of the list of the heap doing the most worst repeatedly consistently endlessly repetitiously boringly predictably? Who buys his constant lies except his base? The rest of us think he is radically hysterically theatrically dramatically problematically a wild and woolly guy and a wascally wabbit wascal! :)

Posted - August 5, 2018
