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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Don't blame me! I'm not the one who brought up "LOW IQ". It was TGITWH who did. Since he did does he know if his base is LOW/HIGH IQ?

Don't blame me! I'm not the one who brought up "LOW IQ". It was TGITWH who did. Since he did does he know if his base is LOW/HIGH IQ?

As "they" always say in courtroom dramas

"Your honor he opened the door to this discussion" meaning the opposition lawyer.

The judge always lets the discussion proceed. TGITWH is so obsessed with IQ (he is a stable genius allegedly per him) and always refers to black people he doesn't like as LOW IQ. Maxine Waters and LeBron James most recently. So since he opened THAT DOOR what about his stable base? Mensa members who regularly complete the New York Times puzzle in INK in minutes? Brilliant chess players who are MASTERS at it? Inquiring minds wanna know. If he has any LOW IQ folks in his base what does he do with them? Ignore them? Kick them out? What would YOU do if you were the stable genius and the IQ of your base members were questioned? Would you have them all take IQ tests and only let the other stable geniuses like you attend rallies? It wouldn't do for a stable genius to be supported by folks with low IQ's would it? Wouldn't that reflect very badly on him? I  mean wouldn't that imply that high IQ folks wouldn't support him? Why oh why did he open THAT DOOR? Now we also want to know if his White House staff is LOW or HIGH IQ and all the cabinet members and everyone he has appointed to every position and all the judges. High IQ or Low IQ  we have a right to know what we got working for us? We the people are the boss you know. I don't know about you but I'd prefer to have no LOW IQ folks working for us. Wouldn't you?

Posted - August 5, 2018
