Now TGITWH admits the purpose of the meeting was to get "information" (DIRT) on an "opponent" (HILLARY). Does his base mind at all the variety of lies he tells about one thing or do they admire/applaud him for it? He chose to tell the truth and I betcha his base either embraces it or wonders why in the h e** now of all times he comes clean?
No Collusion No Collusion No Collusion stated countless times turns into "there is no such thing as collusion and even if there were it isn't illegal" to "so we colluded? SO WHAT?" Lies to truth. Patience. It will all come out in the end.
Mighty weird don'tcha think? Why lie if you are going to eventually tell the truth? Bad planning? No plan? The results of doing things by the seat of the pants and seeing what sticks? (Mixed sue me!) It is entertaining on one level to see the turning of the screw so to speak but also annoying. His base supports every stage of every lie and never apologizes for believing them. Never. Not once. SIGH. Bad manners? No manners? What manners? Your choice.