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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Am authoritatrian despot dictator who isn't talented/well-loved/brave/kind JEALOUSLY tries to bring down those who are. TGITWH?.

Am authoritatrian despot dictator who isn't talented/well-loved/brave/kind JEALOUSLY tries to bring down those who are. TGITWH?.

Jealous of John McCain's bravery and service to his country TGITWH keeps failing to tarnish him or reduce him to the low level on which TGITWH has lived his entire life. Even when McCain is dyling. TGITWH be heartless SOB bein't he?

Jealous of the incredible athletic talent of Lebron James and how beloved he is TGITWH insults his intelligence by implying LeBron is LOW IQ individual. TGITWH would know about low IQ from experience being one himself. Is a LOW IQ guy capable of judging IQ's? I'm gonna ask..

Jealousy in women ain't purty. Jealousy in men makes them out to be whiny green-eyed girly men. Tsk. That's the best we can do in a prez? A jealous old untalented unathletic green-eyed monster girly man? WHY?

Posted - August 7, 2018
