Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Normal folks are held accountable for what they say. Not TGITWH. We're supposed to IGNORE his words (tweets). ODD DUCK ain't he?
If this TURD Sandwich will effect a change in anything, it will be that we will re-write what a President can and cannot get away with. That is what has caused this kind of chaos and disorder.
He is dangerous and we are watching. HOW CAN WE SUFFER SUCH AN ATROCITY?
All the checks and balances in effect are not in effect because of the cowards and creeps he has under his sway.
This must not happen and this must not ever be allowed to happen again.
We have a book of 27 noted psychiatrists who have come out to say he is dangerously unbalanced.
Now there are 4,000 or more signatures of psychiatrists NOTEWORTHY psychiatrists that attest to the fact that he is dangerously unstable. He is using power to get even, basically.
ustomer Review 5.0 out of 5 starsThe Truth About Trump From a Psychological Perspective ByLynn Hooveron October 4, 2017 Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase Most discerning Americans know Trump is a narcissist who mixes lies with delusion, slanders freely, and moment to moment must have the spotlight turned on him, even if it means, for example, undercutting his Secretary of State Tillerson and potentially dragging the world into a war in service to his ever-faltering self-esteem.
Lee's book appears to have been written by among the best that psychiatry/psychology have to offer. The authors are deeply moral professionals who see through the glass clearly, something we don't get often enough from mental health professionals.
What is most awesome about *The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump* is that most of what is written here rings true. The authors introduce concepts I was not familiar with such as those relating to Trump’s relationship with time. Unlike most of us who consider the future impact of our actions, Trump responds in the moment, to assuage his ego needs vs. thinking ahead about the harm his comments might cause. We are witness to his in-the-moment orientation in his attachment to Twitter. Some journalists and pundits have convinced themselves, and tried to convince us, that Trump’s Tweets and other interference's are strategic, meant to give him “wins”. The authors here confirm that this simply is not so. The delusion that Trump has some secret wisdom leaves us in danger of following Trump down the rabbit hole to our own destruction.
Trump’s presidency is a threat to our democratic republic, our freedoms, our values, and for the spiritually-inclined, our very souls. I am grateful to these courageous authors for doing what they can to save America and the world from Trump’s toxicity. History will look kindly on them; they chose well. It is up to each of us to do what little we can to protect what we have here in an era of vulnerability as a deranged leader tears at the fabric of our nation in service of his emotional needs. It can only get worse. 1,292 people found this helpful Helpful Not Helpful | 50+ comments|Report abuse| Permalink Comment
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David J. Krupp24 days ago Report abuse You can decide about Trump's psychological condition yourself by reading the following: 1. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5, 301.81, Narcissistic Personality Disorders, Diagnostic Criteria 2. National Institutes of Health/ U.S. National Library of Medicine, Narcissistic Personality Disorder 3. PsychCentral, Naricssistic Personality Disorder Symptoms Leave a reply girlgolfnut2 months agoIn reply toan earlier post Report abuse The fact that Trump denegrates minorities, the disabled, and any non-WASP; is a pathological liar; a classic narcissist; constantly flip-flops on the issues; has had minimal success in retaining good, qualified people in his cabinet obviously has no impact on you. I think Comey said it best when he stated that Trump is not morally fit to be president. I think the latest White House low point says it all: the fact that no one would step up and apologize about the staffer who made the callous remark about John McCain. Trump is totallyt devoid of the ability of showing compassion and that reflects downward throughout the WH staff. Good grief sir, even the ghost writer who worked on the "Art of the Deal" thinks he is a madman with the ability to start a nuclear conflict. I'm a registered Republican, was certainly not a Hillary fan; but open your eyes and if you have a chance to vote for another Republican in the next primary, do something good for this country...vote against Trump.
With respect to the "achievements" claimed by this administration: the unemployment rate was heading to where it is now and got little help from any of the WH policies; nothing has happened on immigration that wasn't already is process; the tax cuts (according to recent polls) are "meh" to most Americans...unless you are the Uber rich (like Trump).
In closing, hopefully you are never struck by a natural disaster, such as we saw last year. But take hope if you are....Trump will be there to flip you a roll of paper towels! Leave a reply Brian in AZ3 months ago Report abuse I'm still looking for that book on Hillary. Throwing vases across the oval office. Screaming at staff, leaving them in tears. Telling the SS to "stay the eff away from me". Yelling, "where is that miserable mo**** F*****?" referring to Bill. She has screaming, child-like temper tantrums. She lied about her health, (she has heart disease and bad heart valves), yet we had a monkey Clinton crony doctor going on TV and speculating that Trump had heart disease. She has frequent fainting spells due to blood clots and was on anti-coagulants. This was according to Clinton's cardiologist, which of course, Hillary never reported. All of this yet the vile, hate-filled Hillary supporters, including the media, were attacking Trump's health based on nothing but speculation. Hillary EASILY goes 200 Lbs. For her height, (something else she lies about), she is seriously obese. This is typical projection; take everything that is wrong with Hillary and project it onto Trump. Hillary was horrible at handling stress. She had to take frequent naps and needed Huma to console her and take care of her. But, again, everybody questioned Trump's fitness for office? So far, I haven't heard of one employee talk about Trump belittling them and cussing at them like a sailor. Read 'Guilt as Sin' then come back here and let me know how much better Hillary would have been. Leave a reply Bobby4 months ago Report abuse Great book, Trump's failings have led us to disaster- the best employment rate for Afro-Americans in the last 50 years is particularly disturbing. We need a calm, reasoned presence like Pres Obama who understands many gov regulations are needed, poor and lower income belong on public assistance, other governments can restrict our imports but we cannot restrict theirs, companies love to pay more money and be undercut in an int' economy, wars are meant to be fought for years with little accomplished ala George W Bush/ Obama (Trump's quick and easy defeat of Isis saving lives and money is particularly disturbing). American manufacturing is going down the drain instead of reinvigorated with jobs for low income.
Is he a narcissist, of course, one would have to be for this job. Trump is somewhat similar to Bill Clinton, both had superb minds, good negotiating skills, created vibrant economies, with foreign policy successes, and both liked the girls. (so far Trump's moral standards have been higher as no women have been spotted in the oval office and allegations just involve past dalliances). Both antangonized the other party who said, we can't win a legitimate campaign against him so let's get a special prosecutor to investigate little stuff and even if the guy doesn't find the object of the investigation, he'll probably find some type of lying or obstruction of justice.
So far the treasonous useful idiot wackadoodle crackpot aka TGITWH has gotten away with murder, figuratively speaking. I don't doubt that he will get away with literal murder whenever he so chooses to PROVE it. His worshippers obey and never question. Those who have the power to do something are sycophantic scairdy cat toadies who are frightened by their own shadows AND by the adoring worshippers whom they believe will destroy them if they don't bow down and kowtow to their living god...TGITWH. I wonder how long things will go on this way? Maybe if TGITWH pulls the trigger and fires Rosenstein and Mueller and Sessions Congress will get off its collective FAT ARSE and do their job. Insurrection, riots and constant rebellion will be the result. How long that can go on I have no idea. More to come. Stay tuned. Thank you for your information-filled reply Sharon! :)