Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» All crimes are committed by LIARS. Ever know an honest criminal? Of course you don't. They get by on lies. Are finkers liars or?
All crimes are committed by LIARS. Ever know an honest criminal? Of course you don't. They get by on lies. Are finkers liars or?
Or when they fink, rat out, snitch are they finally at long last telling the truth? Why would anyone LIE UNDER OATH thereby putting him/herself in great jeopardy? Makes no sense to do that. Who does that?
It depends on how much power you wield over the powerless.
You can tell the truth like Trump so desperately WANTS to. He wants to tell us all the graft and corruption he has committed. He wants everyone to admire how he has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes over and over.
He thinks that makes him the smartest of all.
That's how STUPID this moron is.
He is going on TV bragging about how collusion is not a crime.
Collusion and conspiracy mean the same thing. Whatever is true of conspiracy is true of collusion too. RudyG has got to be one of the least-informed(stupid dumb) human beings on the planet. Why don't folks USE DICTIONARIES and look up the definition of words they use wantonly and promiscuously and lyingly? They make fools of themselves. One of them says one dumb thing and pretty soon all of them are repeating repeating repeating the same dumb things..all lies...which others buy. The solution is easy. LOOK UP WORDS IN THE DICTIONARY BEFORE YOU USE THEM! Any child can do that. Any child that knows how to read. Do these folks ever read anything or do they just take the word of the least-read prez we've ever had? These ignorant adults who keep making untrue pronouncements are puzzling. They go out of their way to show us how ignorantly stupid dumb they are. Either that or what liars they are. If they know better they are LIARS. If they don't know any better there is way to correct it if they are not too lazy to pursue it. Whatta buncha losers! Thank you for your reply Sharon.