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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Criminals have no credibility. They are all liars. However why would any one of them LIE UNDER OATH to the feds?

Criminals have no credibility. They are all liars. However why would any one of them LIE UNDER OATH to the feds?

Knowing they could go to prison for doing so?  A scrumbum rats on another scumbum. What's the big deal? Trying to undermine the credibility of the rat fink scumbum does not enhance the credibility of the rattee. He/she is a scumbum too. The whole circus atmosphere is absurdly ridikkalus! The Manafort team is going to discredit Rick Gates. Why? Because their client is guilty and quite possibly even a Russian agent who has a long history of scumbum activities to his credit or debit depending upon your point of view. You represent a bum so you attack another bum. And so it goes.

Posted - August 9, 2018
