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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Today's "American" racists were born in the wrong time/place. WHITES RULED SUPREME IN APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA! Tragic ain't it?

Today's "American" racists were born in the wrong time/place. WHITES RULED SUPREME IN APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICA! Tragic ain't it?

They have to put up with people of color here in the good old US of A. They even suffered the supreme indignity of having an AFRICAN AMERICAN PRESIDENT FOR 8 YEARS! How did they ever survive that? They are meant for pearly white delight. Color-free and colorless. The only color they like is green..the color of money. Also the color of envy and jealousy. Green-eyed monster. They do well among others EXACTLY like themselves and do not do at all well among a kaleidoscope of variations on the theme of human being colorwise. Pasty white rules among them. None of them have tans. None of them curl their hair. None of the dames plump up their lips or their butts because there are humnan who are born looking that way and they would have to pay to look like them which they would never do. So you will see thin lips, flat butts, straight hair and VERY fair skin. They would not want to be mistaken for their more colorful "sisters". SIGH. They would nveerl ive down being perceived as a "person of color". Too humiliating.  :(:(:(

Posted - August 10, 2018


  • 523
    You should write a book. You are fantastic/unequaled at over exaggeration and fiction.
      August 10, 2018 6:59 AM MDT