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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The delicate sensitive pansy prez, aka the puny petunia, attacked a critic the only way he knows. Pathetic. When will he censor like a man?

The delicate sensitive pansy prez, aka the puny petunia, attacked a critic the only way he knows. Pathetic. When will he censor like a man?

You can strip people of security clearances. You can fire them. You can make it difficult for anyone to hire them. You can ruin their reputations by telling lies about them. But they will still criticize you. Here's what a REAL MAN would do to shut people up who don't kiss their butts or suck up to them 24/7

Rip out their tongues so they could never speak
Cut off their hands so they could never write
Cut off their feet since some handless folks have learned how to write with their feet

Or simply have the offensive person murdered by those whose only job it is to silence your critics.

Now that is MANLY and strong and tough. That gets the job done once and  for all. The puny Petuny aka TGITWH will certainly finally realize that. He is very slow to figger things out but sometimes he sees the light. What a delight he is to his supporters. SIGH.

Posted - August 16, 2018
