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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » We have been lied to and deceived. We were told "nothing is perfect" and "no one is perfect". But obviously donjohntrump is. Didjja know?

We have been lied to and deceived. We were told "nothing is perfect" and "no one is perfect". But obviously donjohntrump is. Didjja know?

Of course perfect is in the eye of the beholder as is everything else. Right?. I have never witnessed it before and probably never will again. His supporters defenders apologists are adamantly certain of his perfection and rail at anyone who dares say otherwise. That is why they support EVERYTHING he says and does. If he were not so perfect in their eyes they would see warts and flaws and a chip or scratch here and there. They see none of that. They rush to his defense and attack his "enemies" who are legion. They are the most loyal devoted certain-they-are-right people I have ever encountered. I guess they were lying in wait for years hoping for monsieur perfect to show up and to him they give their all. I don't  see it. But I am not them and they do and they bond together in defiant certitude that donjohntrump is innocent of all charges. That donjohntrump has many enemies who are just jealous of all that he is, was, will be. They see him as being crucified. They are always angry irate furious enraged when they rush to his defense. I wonder what that does to their blood pressure? How many of them are in a constant emotional state and war ready/weaponized to fight the good fight? Do they laugh, cry, ponder as the rest of us do? Why don't we ever see that side of them?

Posted - August 18, 2018


  • 13071
    So this is what TDS looks like.
      August 18, 2018 2:49 AM MDT