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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » I wonder if there is anything that would so repulsive the donjohntrump base would abandon him? UNCONDITIONAL LOVE on steroids?

I wonder if there is anything that would so repulsive the donjohntrump base would abandon him? UNCONDITIONAL LOVE on steroids?

Posted - August 18, 2018


  • All's far in love and war, and this is war without any rules. However, it's also politics and politics has nothing in the world to do with love, unconditional or otherwise. I didn't support Trump in our primary or the runoff. I very wisely chose to vote for Trump in the general election because I could not nor would not vote for anyone named Clinton. Twenty months into it all, I'd do it again. Now, with all of that said, we both know that the next administration will be Democrat. That's OK because we're going to kick and scream and throw tantrums as we look for ways to undo and obstruct the new administration. The moral of the story: We learn by observing.
      August 18, 2018 8:55 AM MDT