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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Heavy is the head that wears the crown". Being King isn't easy I suspect. Kings can be benevolent or malevolent. Wouldja make a good one?

"Heavy is the head that wears the crown". Being King isn't easy I suspect. Kings can be benevolent or malevolent. Wouldja make a good one?

Posted - August 19, 2018


  • No, I wouldn't. I've exercised power/authority over people, money and circumstances. I've had the authority to deny people their freedom under the "color of law". It's not what it's cracked up to be. I can do without it. I used to hear people say that anyone that didn't crave power, or have a desire to use it, wasn't normal. I'm thoroughly happy in my abnormal existence.
      August 19, 2018 6:21 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Surprise surprise surprise! I'm just exactly like you in that regard. I had a couple of supervisory jobs and I never wanted them again! I turned down supervisory jobs because it just isn't my cuppa tea. I'm very happy to share information and help folks out if I can but I want ZERO authority over them. Supervising people is a pain in the arse. If you have a job to do and a deadline to meet and are afflicted with a diva here and a know-it-all there things get pretty testy and I have NO PATIENCE for it. Thank you for your thoughtful reply DA.
      August 19, 2018 6:29 AM MDT

  • 19937
    Being a woman, I would not make any kind of "King."  Having said that, I don't seek power or authority over others.  I don't like anyone telling me what to do and I would not want to dictate to others.  There are some things over which I would like to have some control, but they are minor things like being able to remove cars that don't obey alternate side of the street parking for street cleaning purposes or being able to give out a summons when someone litters - especially when there's a garbage can close by.  None of those things fall into the "King" category.  Happy Sunday. :)
      August 19, 2018 7:12 AM MDT