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Randy D
Art Lover
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Per a donjohntrump supporter all problems are created by Dems/Libs/Progressives. None are caused by donjohnpeeps. Good to know isn't it?

Per a donjohntrump supporter all problems are created by Dems/Libs/Progressives. None are caused by donjohnpeeps. Good to know isn't it?

We are the problem and they will solve it. Wonder how? Shoot all of us the minute open our mouths to speak? Imprison us forever and beyod? Deport all of us and then their lives will be completely perfect? How far will they go to get rid of the "problme"? Lynchings perhaps? Do we have enough rope and trees to get rid of 60% of the American people? 60% who despise and cannot abide their donjohn? Mebbe.

Posted - August 20, 2018
